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Dr Ava Kwong

Dr Ava Kwong

Dr Ava Kwong is the Chief of Breast Surgery Division, Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong, Director of the Tung Wah Hospital Breast Centre, and Director of the Breast Center at the University of Hong Kong - Shenzhen Hospital. She is also the Assistant Dean (Faculty Advancement and Knowledge Exchange) of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Hong Kong. She also holds the position of Visiting Associate Professor, Division of Oncology, at Stanford University, USA. During her surgical career, Dr Kwong’s research into breast cancer and breast cancer genetics has been  recognised with multiple research grants, awards, and publications in reputable international journals.

In 2007, she founded the Hong Kong Hereditary Breast Cancer Family Registry, where she currently serves as Chairman. The Registry is a charitable organisation that raises funds to support the underprivileged to receive genetic testing, performs data collection, conducts research, and organises events to raise awareness of the disease. Dr Kwong is also involved in various international oncological clinical trials. She is a contributing author in various medical books including “ABC of Breast Disease” published by the British Medical Journal, Companion to Specialist Surgical Practice: Breast Surgery Volume: 5th Edition, “Up to Date” on-line medical website based in the United States, and also patient information books published in Hong Kong and writes a monthly medical column in Jessica Magazine to promote health awareness. She also has considerable interest in the training of nurses and is the Director of the Breast Cancer Nursing Workshop and Course, which has been held annually since 2008.

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